About Rivesti

As well as the 33 colors from the Rivesti

Rivesti is a design brand that makes environmentally friendly mosaic tiles from recycled PET plastic bottles. Rivesti product design merges sustainability, quality and sophistication. Rivesti is an innovative brand for people who seek originality and modernity.

Our inspiration comes from the creativity of mankind, the natural environment and from our passions for innovation and for architecture. Rivestibelieves that the experience of living in ethical, beautiful and personalized spaces can bring us joy. We can and we must explore new materials that are better suited to new ways of living..

Green Technology

Rivesti tiles Rivesti are produced from a mixture of 85% of recycled PET, and 15% of recycled mineral additives, Rivesti tiles are 100% recycled and recyclable. Rivesti The manufacturing process is also sustainable: it consumes less energy, emits no pollutants and generates no waste.Eleven square feet of Rivesti tiles prevents the release of 3kg of CO2 into the atmosphere and removes 66 PET bottles from the environment. By choosing Rivesti you are Rivesti contributing to improve the quality of life on the Planet.

Creative Freedom

As well as the 33 colors from the Rivesti catalogue, it is also possible to order any Pantone color to suit special projects. Rivesti tiles offer a vast array of choice and unique chromatic effects.

biogeography Rivesti

The color collection of Rivesti is inspired by exuberance of Brazilian flora and while celebrating Brazil's biodiversity, it proposes a reflection on the legacy that will be passed on to future generations.

Biome Amazon

Biome thick

Biome wetland

Biome Atlantic

Biome Caatinga

Biome pampa

Mapa Rivesti







Atlantic forest


As well as the 33 colors from the Rivesti it has a raison d'être and its existence is supported by a set of values that define the company's identity and guide the relationship with the consumer, with society, with the planet.


Create and manufacture ecological coverings from the revaluation of materials and generate sustainable development through clean production processes.


To be a world reference in sustainable design with the development of ideas, products and markets.


Maintain an entrepreneurial attitude to employ high quality standards in respect for the consumer and the environment;
Practice sustainable management of processes, based on a balance between economic, social and environmental dimensions;
Share results with society;
Provide a safe, healthy, coherent work environment that encourages initiative, creativity, interaction and the continuous growth of the company's human capital;
Respect national and international laws and conventions and always act in an ethical commercial context;
Act with transparency and respect agreements established with the different publics with which the company relates.

Conceptualization of brand

The brand structure Rivesti, geometric composition that supports the logo, is a reference to modernist architecture. The letter “R” uses a classic and marked typography, symbolizing elegance and solidity. It stands out in its own support to become an icon. The other letters, with modern typography, harmonize contemporaneity and tradition to compose the meaning of the name Rivesti. The green color links the brand to nature and reinforces the commitment of the Rivesti with sustainability. Lilac demonstrates the sensitivity, intuition and magic of the products Rivesti. Products are represented in green squares scattered across the logo. These squares detach from the rigid structure to reveal the goal of spreading awareness for green products. the mission of Rivesti of producing ecological coverings completes the brand as a slogan.

chain of Values

Entrepreneurial Attitude
Encourage and value the entrepreneurial potential of employees, partners and suppliers so that they seek to innovate in their activities so that they are able to transform opportunities into actions, being protagonists of a new society.
Pursuit of Excellence
Manage the company with a focus on the continuous pursuit of high performance for complete customer satisfaction.
Sustainable development
Actively support sustainable development, understanding that for development to be truly sustainable it is necessary to integrate economic and social factors and issues related to quality of life and the environment.
Social Commitment
Being committed to building fair and solidary social scenarios on a daily basis.
Knowledge management
Permanently invest in knowledge and in the continuous human and professional improvement of employees.
Relationships based on trust
Maintain transparent relationships with all stakeholders, internal or external, and incorporate this practice into the attitudes and work process of employees.
Tuning with the Season
To be permanently in tune with contemporaneity and connected to new trends, improving products and work processes in light of changes in the economic, social, cultural and technological environment.
Participate in the global market and generate gains wherever you act.
Evaluation Practices
Systematically evaluate actions and processes, seeking internal and external excellence benchmarks.

engagement Technology

As well as the 33 colors from the Rivesti is a full member of the Green Building Council, an organization that works worldwide in promoting the green building industry and in project management for environmental certification.

When using Rivesti your work earns points for obtaining the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), environmental certification for buildings adopted around the world.

Our collections

tiles square

Simple, elegant and minimalist.
Squares are error free.

tiles Triangular

Modern, stylish and bold…
with a touch of illuminati.

tiles Geometric

When cubism meets the
decoration. For art lovers.

tiles Subway

Classic American pastilles with a Brazilian touch.

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    Rua Inácio Luís da Costa, 1850 – Pq. São Domingos – São Paulo/SP – CEP 05112-010 – CNPJ 33.963.441/0001-48. All prices and conditions on this website are only valid for purchases in the online store and do not apply to Points of Sale. We emphasize that the prices provided for on the website prevail over those advertised in other media and search engines.

    Copyright © 2015-2019 – Rivesti®

    Developed by Prima Studio