Legal terms

Legal Terms (Terms & Conditions) from the Rivesti® Sales Site

This sales site and all its content, plus the domain, are owned by the company PLASLATINA INDÚSTRIA PLÁSTICA LTDA., CNPJ 13.052.131/0001-64, headquartered at Rua Inácio Luís da Costa nº 1.850, Parque São Domingos, São Paulo/SP, CEP 05112-010, e-mail address, telephone 11 4380 7766, WhatsApp 11 96776 7766, hereinafter referred to simply as its trademark RIVEST®, with whom the user duly registered on this site effectively contracts the purchase and sale of products by tacitly accepting these Legal Terms when the purchase order is placed, henceforth becoming a legitimate party in this instrument and henceforth being treated simply per CUSTOMER. Any Internet user who browses this site also becomes a party to this contract, as applicable. Simple navigation expresses full and unreserved acceptance of the rules established by these Legal Terms, without prejudice to other specifics printed in notices, notes and instructions throughout the site. Membership, in these cases, is considered effective from the first direct or indirect access to any part of the site.


To ensure proper protection for the CUSTOMER user of this website, the RIVEST® made efforts to harmonize these Legal Terms with the Brazilian normative set that governs the purchase and sale relationships in the electronic environment, especially the Brazilian Civil Code, Consumer Protection Code, Decree 7,962 of 03/15/2013 and Civil Law of the Internet.

Virtually every transaction carried out through this sales site is carried out at the physical addresses of the RIVEST®, assuring the CUSTOMER total certainty regarding the transaction processed here.

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® respects the rights of the consumer and through these Legal Terms it sought to create an ethical and transparent rule for the established relationship, capable of fully and adequately informing the CLIENT about the rights and duties of the parties. Nevertheless, the RIVEST® believes in the principle of solidarity between the parties to an obligation, which can be translated into the duty of all involved to cooperate with each other, acting with loyalty and good faith to achieve the success of the business carried out.

Anyone who enters this site is obliged to pay attention to these Legal Terms, with special attention to the Site's Terms of Use and Security, and becomes the holder of rights and duties, as appropriate, by simple navigation.


All conditions presented here, consistent in the INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR INSTALLING THE INSERTS RIVEST® (DOWNLOAD THE MANUAL HERE) and in the provisions set forth in THE PURPOSE, PRICE, FREIGHT AND DELIVERY TIME, POLICY RIVEST® FOR EXCHANGE AND RETURN OF THE TABLET WARRANTY CONDITIONS RIVEST®, THE EXCLUDING CAUSES OF THE TABLET WARRANTY RIVEST® AND THE TERMS OF USE OF THE SITE AND SECURITY, cumulatively form the set of the contract by adhesion of which the CUSTOMER becomes aware and tacitly accepts when making a purchase on the sales website of RIVEST®. The completion of the purchase order on this site implies full knowledge and agreement with these rules and is equivalent to the free expression of willingness to contract with the RIVEST® the purchase and sale transaction regulated by these exact Legal Terms. If there is no agreement with these Legal Terms, the CLIENT must not finalize the order and must contact the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center to obtain the relevant clarifications.



All products selected by the CLIENT on the sales website of RIVEST® form the purchase order, which, when finalized, determines the object of this purchase and sale agreement, meaning the right thing to be delivered to the CLIENT. The object of this contract is also the freight service for the delivery of the products, according to the CLIENT's option at the end of the order.


The price of products offered through the sales website of RIVEST® will be the one presented to the CUSTOMER at the time of finalizing the order. THE RIVEST® ensures that the price will be maintained until the actual payment of the order, which must occur within a maximum period of 24 (twenty-four) hours for payments made by debit/credit card and 72 (seventy-two) hours for payments made by bank slip /Bank deposit. After the period has elapsed without the effective discharge of the order, prices may be changed and/or the order may be cancelled, regardless of prior notice to the CLIENT.

The total price to be paid by the CLIENT for the purchase made on the sales website of RIVEST® it is the result of the sum of the price of the products plus the freight costs, duly presented to the CUSTOMER during the stage that precedes the finalization of the order.

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® may, at any time, change the prices of advertised products and promote and withdraw discounts and promotions without prior notice, without this constituting any obligation in relation to previously consummated orders.

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® may offer different prices for the same products for sale on the website due to the different modalities and forms of payment allowed here, the CLIENT being free to choose one or the other.


The payment of shipping costs for shipping to the recipient of the products purchased on this site are borne by the CLIENT, who grants the RIVEST® the execution and management of the freight and the monitoring of the shipment until the actual delivery, when tradition takes place.

When the transport of the products is under the responsibility of the CLIENT by choice, the tradition will take place in the physical store of the RIVEST®, with delivery made directly to the CLIENT or to the carrier indicated by him.

The estimated time for delivery of products purchased through the sales website of RIVEST® it takes up to 15 (fifteen) business days for deliveries in the South and Southeast regions and up to 30 (thirty) business days for deliveries in other regions of the country. The period must be counted from the 1st business day following the confirmation of payment indicated by the financial sector of the RIVEST®.

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® is committed to meeting the deadlines estimated in this regulation and will do everything in its power to reduce them. However, it must be made clear that the deliveries are made by outsourced companies (Post Offices and carriers) and that, eventually, for reasons beyond the control of the RIVEST® (Fortuitous event and force majeure), unforeseen events may arise. In these cases, the RIVEST® will try to alert the CUSTOMER about the delay in delivery.

It is of fundamental importance that the CUSTOMER also understand that, in some urban regions, episodes of violence have made it difficult and even unfeasible to deliver products. These regions are classified at any time as Risk Areas by the transport companies regardless of the will of the RIVEST®. If the delivery address registered by the CLIENT at the time of purchase is already or is later included in the list of Risk Areas, the CLIENT will be notified and must inform another address for receiving the products. Failing to provide another address, the CLIENT will have to pick up the products at the locations indicated by the transport company. In these situations, the delivery may be delayed within the estimated period, unattributable to the RIVEST®.

The terms informed at the time of purchase are always estimated terms, never peremptory, and must be understood by the CUSTOMER.

It is important to emphasize that the CUSTOMER must immediately refuse to receive the products purchased on the sales website of RIVEST® case:

  • Product packaging is violated;
  • The products are malfunctioning;
  • The products received are in disagreement with those purchased on the website.


The CLIENT has the option to purchase the products through the sales website of RIVEST® and pick them up at one of the company's physical stores. In this case, the CUSTOMER must choose this option at the time of order completion and schedule through the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center, at least 24 (twenty-four) hours in advance, to pick up the products at the store. The products will only be delivered to the CUSTOMER who is the holder of the order, duly identified, or to the transport company indicated by him, duly authorized.

The CUSTOMER must consider all these conditions and agree with them before making the purchase. If there is no agreement, the CUSTOMER must not complete the order on the website and must go to one of the physical stores of the RIVEST®. Finalizing the purchase order means accepting all the conditions expressed herein.

If there are any doubts about the shipping or delivery period of the order, the CUSTOMER must contact the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center, by email or by calling 11 4380 7766 or by WhatsApp 11 96776 7766 or by Chat, from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 7 pm. All contacts will be answered by RIVEST® within 5 (five) business days.


As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® wants the CUSTOMER to always have the best experience with the brand. Therefore, it understands that service excellence must go beyond the moment of purchase and permeate all subsequent relationship stages. And it was in order to facilitate the negotiation for exchange or return of products purchased through the company's sales website that the RIVEST® developed a policy based on transparency and respect for the CLIENT's needs. Therefore, it is necessary that the CUSTOMER is fully aware of their rights and duties and that, in dealing with the company, they must act with the same good faith and spirit of cooperation.

If there are any doubts about the Policy RIVEST® for Exchange and Return, just contact the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center, by email or by calling 11 4380 7766 or by WhatsApp 11 96776 7766 or by Chat, from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 7 pm. All contacts will be answered by RIVEST® within 5 (five) business days.


According to the Consumer Protection Code, when the CLIENT purchases products outside the commercial establishment, for a period of 7 (seven) days from the day of receipt of the products, the CLIENT is entitled to repent, which means that it can return it who bought.

If when receiving the products RIVEST® the CUSTOMER decides to return them with regret, just contact the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center, by email or by calling 11 4380 7766 or by WhatsApp 11 96776 7766 or by Chat, from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 7 pm. All contacts will be answered by RIVEST® within 5 (five) business days.

To return the products due to regret, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The products cannot have signs of use or have been damaged by the CLIENT;
  • The products must be returned in the original packaging, accompanied by the invoice;
  • The packages must contain the identification tags properly affixed;
  • On the back of the invoice to be returned with the products, the CLIENT must inform the reason for the return, the name and CPF of the person who made the purchase, the date of receipt of the products and the date of return;
  • Wait for the removal of the products at the place where they were delivered and the reimbursement of the amounts paid (see reimbursement conditions below).


According to the Consumer Defense Code, the CUSTOMER has 90 (ninety) consecutive days from the day of receipt of the products to trigger technical assistance under warranty.

If when receiving the products RIVEST® if any defect is identified, immediately report the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center, by email or by calling 11 4380 7766 or by WhatsApp 11 96776 7766 or by Chat, from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 7 pm. All contacts will be answered by RIVEST® within 5 (five) business days.

To exchange products with an apparent defect, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The products cannot have signs of use or have been damaged by the CLIENT;
  • The products must be returned in the original packaging, accompanied by the invoice;
  • The packages must contain the identification tags properly affixed;
  • On the back of the invoice to be returned with the products, the CUSTOMER must inform the reason for the return, the name and CPF of the person who made the purchase, the date of receipt of the products, the date of return and describe the alleged defect by adding photographs to demonstrate it;
  • Wait for the removal of the products at the place where they were delivered;
  • The Technical Evaluation Report that will attest or not the defect pointed out by the CLIENT will be issued within 30 (thirty) days of the arrival of the products at the address of the RIVEST®;
  • Once the defect is found, the products will be exchanged for others without defect and the costs of reverse freight and return will be borne by the RIVEST®;
  • If the defect alleged by the CUSTOMER is not found, the products will not be exchanged and the costs of reverse shipping and return will be borne by the CUSTOMER;
  • The products will only be returned to the CLIENT after depositing in a bank account indicated by RIVEST® of reverse freight and reshipment costs.


Install the products RIVEST® it means accepting them in the condition in which you received them. Therefore, it is essential that they be analyzed by the CUSTOMER before installation. THE RIVEST® does not offer technical assistance for products that have been installed, and is not responsible for the labor used in the installation or for the materials used.

The CUSTOMER must always follow the guidelines of the Insert Installation Instructions Manual RIVEST®, observe the Warranty Conditions RIVEST® and get in touch with the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center to resolve any queries before installation. Badly or inadequate installation and/or made with the use of materials other than those indicated by the factory, it cannot, under any circumstances, be mistaken by the CLIENT as a defect or vice of the product.


By the company's liberality, aiming at the CUSTOMER's satisfaction, the products purchased through the sales website of the RIVEST® can be exchanged for other products RIVEST®, including by different colors and models (subject to stock availability), but at the same price. The deadline for requesting the exchange of products is 10 (ten) calendar days after receipt. In these cases, the costs of reverse freight and reshipment will be borne by the CUSTOMER.

If when receiving the products RIVEST® the CUSTOMER decides to change them due to dissatisfaction, just contact the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center, by email or by calling 11 4380 7766 or by WhatsApp 11 96776 7766 or by Chat, from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 7 pm. All contacts will be answered by RIVEST® within 5 (five) business days.

To exchange the products due to dissatisfaction, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The products cannot have signs of use or have been damaged by the CLIENT;
  • The products must be returned in the original packaging, accompanied by the invoice;
  • The packages must contain the identification tags properly affixed;
  • On the back of the invoice to be returned with the products, the CLIENT must inform the reason for the return, the name and CPF of the person who made the purchase, the date of receipt of the products and the date of return;
  • Wait for the removal of the products at the place where they were delivered;
  • Wait for the products to arrive at the address of the RIVEST® and an authorization email from the company to place the new order;
  • The CUSTOMER must pay the costs of reverse shipping and reshipment.


As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® does not refund values at the time of exchange for dissatisfaction, not even partial. Therefore, the CUSTOMER must evaluate all the characteristics surrounding the products RIVEST® and all aspects related to installation and only make the purchase when you feel confident of the choice.

The CLIENT is solely responsible for the quantity of products purchased on the sales website of RIVEST®, therefore, you must be sure of the measurements entered in the calculator available on the website. And know that this calculator shows the amount of entire plates, not considering the reuse of scraps (leftovers after cutting), because the RIVEST® does not recommend using flaps in the installation. Download templates to learn how to calculate by yourself the amount of plates needed based on the measurements of the environment.

By choosing to purchase the number of plates indicated by the website, the CLIENT declares that it understands the conditions described above and accepts that it cannot hold the RIVEST® due to the excess or lack of plates, nor does it even require any repairs, refunds or complementary shipping at no cost.

The quantity of materials required for the installation informed on the site is based on a theory of performance for each material and may differ in relation to the quantities actually used in the installation. THE RIVEST® is not responsible for the excess or lack of these materials, and the CLIENT is responsible for calculating the amount that must be purchased for their work based on the yield information provided by each manufacturer.

By choosing to purchase the quantity of materials indicated by the website, the CLIENT declares that it understands the conditions described above and accepts that it cannot hold the RIVEST® due to the surplus or lack of these materials, nor does it require any repair, return of values or complementary shipment without charge.


When making use of the right of repentance, the CLIENT must check the conditions of the reimbursement process below.

  • BANK BILL / BANK DEPOSIT / DEBIT CARD - Reimbursement, in the case of purchases made with payment by bank slip, bank deposit or debit card, will be made by bank deposit in a checking account in the name of the order holder within a period of up to 15 business days after receiving the products at the address of RIVEST®. If the CLIENT holding the order does not have a bank account, a statement in his own hand will be necessary, narrating the situation and requesting the deposit in another checking account, informing all the bank details of the beneficiary, who must also sign the statement authorizing the deposit in his/her account . The amount to be reimbursed will be equal to the amount paid by the CLIENT and the reimbursement terminates the obligations of the RIVEST® with the client.
  • CREDIT CARD – Reimbursement, in the case of purchases made with payment by credit card, will be made by reversal/cancellation of the transaction with the credit card company. After requesting a refund/cancellation, the credit will be made by the credit card company within 2 (two) invoices after the arrival of the products at the address of the RIVEST®. THE RIVEST® it does not reimburse by bank deposit or in cash when the purchase has been paid for by credit card, except in the case of a justified refusal by the administrator to proceed with the reversal/cancellation of the transaction. The amount to be reimbursed will be equal to the amount paid by the CLIENT and the reimbursement terminates the obligations of the RIVEST® with the client.
  • CREDIT VALUE – Regardless of the form of payment for the purchase, the CLIENT can opt for reimbursement through Credit Vouchers. In this case, it will be generated in the order management system of the RIVEST®, in the name of the CLIENT holding the right, a credit for future purchase. The credit will be registered in the system after the arrival and verification of the returned products at the address of the RIVEST®, when the CLIENT will receive a voucher with the authorized amount for the new purchase.

If there are any doubts about the reimbursement of values, just contact the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center, by email or by calling 11 4380 7766 or by WhatsApp 11 96776 7766 or by Chat, from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 7 pm. All contacts will be answered by RIVEST® within 5 (five) business days.


Rivesti tiles RIVEST® are produced under strict quality control. Rest assured that it is a product of the highest technology and of international quality. To get the most out of your insert warranty RIVEST®, however, it is essential to strictly follow the Insert Installation Instructions Manual RIVEST® (DOWNLOAD HERE) and perform a careful application in the environment. The correct handling, transport, storage, use and maintenance of the inserts must also be ensured. Any questions, please contact the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center, by email or by calling 11 4380 7766 or by WhatsApp 11 96776 7766 or by Chat, from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 7 pm. All contacts will be answered by RIVEST® within 5 (five) business days.

If you notice any manufacturing defect in the inserts RIVEST®, immediately contact the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center. According to the Consumer Defense Code, the CUSTOMER has 90 (ninety) calendar days from the date of receipt of the products to trigger technical assistance under warranty. If there is any visible irregularity in the inserts RIVEST®, please contact us before installation so we can check the product. Installing the inserts means accepting the product in condition. THE RIVEST® is not responsible for the costs of installation materials and services or any other costs related directly or indirectly to the installation. The application of the inserts in environments not specified by RIVEST® is the sole responsibility of the consumer and, in addition to implying loss of warranty, exempts the RIVEST® of any consequences.


The product warranty excludes problems arising from misuse or poor installation, inadequate cleaning or irregular handling, as well as problems related to incorrect transport or storage after purchase and natural wear and tear from use.


Product warranty RIVEST® automatically ceases when there are any of the irregularities mentioned below, without excluding other circumstances that evidence the inadequate handling, transport, storage, use and maintenance of the products or their poor installation:

a) use of processes or materials other than those indicated in Insert Installation Instructions Manual RIVEST®, such as the use of mortar or other types of adhesive materials, use of unspecified grout, use of rigid spatulas, removal of excess grout or cleaning with the use of abrasive means or the use of excessive force;

b) installation on a surface not properly prepared or on an inadequate surface for pasting the tablets;

c) installation less than 10cm from the stove flame, considering the range of the flame with the stove in use;

d) installation in outdoor environments directly exposed to the sun;

e) failure to observe the existing fittings on the plates and/or the arrow indicating the direction during installation;

f) planning error in the execution of the installation;

g) product installation error arising from failure to comply with any rules contained in the Insert Installation Instructions Manual RIVEST®;

h) consumer bad faith.





1.1. Copyright ©

The entire content of this website, including text, graphics, images, videos, sounds and any other information, is the property of PLASLATINA INDÚSTRIA PLÁSTICA LTDA., CNPJ 13.052.131/0001-64, which holds the copyright over it. The copyright protection of the aforementioned content extends to all reproductions or copies obtained from this site. No content may be modified, transmitted, reproduced, published, licensed, transferred or sold without the prior written consent of the right holder. The word and logo RIVEST® are registered and are registered trademarks of Plaslatina Indústria Plástica Ltda. The misuse of the brand RIVEST® entails serious legal consequences for the offender. The products under the brand RIVEST® they are protected by patent in the country and abroad and their violation entails serious legal consequences for the infringer, in Brazil and abroad.

1.2. Corrections

The information available on the website may occasionally contain typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions related to the description of products, prices and availability. Respecting the rights of the consumer, reserves the RIVEST® the right to correct any such errors and omissions at any time and without prior notice. Consequently, the RIVEST® does not guarantee that the information obtained through this website is, at all times, accurate, complete and even up to date.

1.3. Products

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® it is not obligated to have, in all its sales channels, all the items in its line, so that some products available in physical stores may not be available for online purchases and vice versa, and may, at any time, and at your own at its sole discretion, discontinue them.

The user must always make sure that the product is available for purchase on the website. THE RIVEST® may disclose products on this site for illustrative purposes only, not making them available for sale.

The prices of products offered by RIVEST® on this website are expressed in reais and are only valid for purchases in national territory.

The prices of products offered on this website do not have a necessary relationship and/or equivalence with the prices of identical products offered in physical stores of RIVEST®.

The images on this site are merely illustrative and may vary in shape, color and effect due to the specific resolutions of each equipment and the hues available in the digital environment. By presenting the products in this environment, the RIVEST® always makes the best efforts to show its original shapes, colors and effects. Possible differences, therefore, may occur, without this representing a defect or misinformation.

1.4. Partners

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST®, when disclosing its partners on this sales site, it does so for informational purposes only. In this sense, it assumes no responsibility for their information and actions and, consequently, for any damage caused by the partners to users.

1.5. Hyperlinks from the sales website of RIVEST® to third party sites

This site may be hyperlinked to other Internet sites that the RIVEST® does not control or does not maintain. These hyperlinks do not constitute an endorsement of the RIVEST® to any of these sites. The user acknowledges that the RIVEST® provides these hyperlinks for your convenience only and you agree that the RIVEST® is not responsible for the content or any hyperlinks displayed on the websites to which the user is referred. The user further agrees that the RIVEST® assumes no commitment, obligation or responsibility for any correspondence, promotion or purchase that may exist between the user and the owner or operator of these sites.

1.6. Hyperlinks from the third party website to the sales website of RIVEST®

The user will be able to create a hyperlink to the sales website of RIVEST® if:

  • receive express authorization from RIVEST®;
  • do not create environments with frames or borders framing pages or materials from the sales site of the RIVEST® and not to use other techniques that in any way alter the visual presentation or appearance of the content on the sales website. RIVEST®, disguising it;
  • do not create comparisons between the products of the RIVEST® and its competitors;
  • do not reproduce any material from the website of RIVEST® nor any of its logos or trademarks without express and specific authorization to do so;
  • not forge a non-existent relationship with the RIVEST®;
  • do not imply that the RIVEST® approve or otherwise endorse the binding party, the binding party's website, or the binding party's product or service offerings;
  • do not present false testimony or insinuations about the RIVEST® nor in any way harm the good reputation associated with the name and brand. RIVEST®;
  • the linked site does not contain any content that is considered abusive, threatening, dangerous, profane or offensive, violent or that infringes or incites third parties to infringe legislation and human dignity and;
  • the linked site does not contain any content that is considered obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit or contrary to morals and good manners.

As an additional condition to allow the use of a hyperlink to the sales website of the RIVEST®, the binding party agrees that the RIVEST® may, at any time and in its sole discretion, cancel the permission granted. In such event, the binding party agrees to immediately remove all hyperlinks to the websites of the RIVEST®.

By creating a hyperlink to this sales site from RIVEST®, whoever does so agrees to defend, indemnify and exempt the RIVEST® and its officers, directors, employees, representatives and business partners from and against all losses, costs, damages, obligations and expenses, including (but not limited to) attorney's fees and legal expenses arising from this relationship. THE RIVEST® is not responsible for any indirect, moral, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages related to the hyperlink or its use. THE RIVEST® makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, for these hyperlinks.

1.7. Comments about the brand, products and website of RIVEST®

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® will review all comments received about your brand, your products, and your sales site, and will exclude those that you classify as irrelevant, offensive, inappropriate, violent, prejudiced, profane, misleading, uncertain, ideological, obscene. Deleting the comment does not exempt the user who sent it from the legal implications arising from their unlawful conduct. As long as they are relevant, pertinent, objective and respectful, the user will be able to make comments in the parts indicated for this purpose. The comments that the user provides will not be considered confidential and the RIVEST® you can use them without restriction.

1.8. responsibility of RIVEST®

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® will not spare efforts to offer, on this website, a safe, practical and comfortable navigability. However, the RIVEST® is not responsible for any damage caused to the user and/or their equipment resulting from virus attacks and/or intrusions during use, since it cannot be held responsible for the security of web connections.

1.9. User's Responsibility

The user must be over 18 years of age in order to purchase the products offered through the sales website of RIVEST®. If you are under 18 years of age or legally incapable, you must be represented or assisted by your parents or legal guardians from the time of registration.

When registering on this site, the user creates an access account, through which he will be able to place purchase orders. The user undertakes to provide true, accurate and current personal data at the time of registration, being civilly and criminally liable, as the case may be, for the inaccuracy or falsity of the information.

User account access data (login) on this site, especially the password created during registration, must be treated as personal and non-transferable and must be kept in the knowledge of third parties. The user assumes any and all responsibility for the misuse of their account access data maintained on this website.

The user agrees to immediately notify the RIVEST® about any unauthorized use of your access data or any breach of security of which you are aware.

Whether a registered user or not, coming to make a purchase through the site or not, everyone who browses this site has the duty to read, understand, accept and abide by these Terms or immediately terminate browsing in case of disagreement. The user may request the RIVEST® additional information and clarifications through the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center or in person at their physical addresses.

From the user's omission and silence in the face of these Terms, all the legal consequences here inscribed for equating to the manifestation of the will to agree are extracted.


As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® has a commitment to the CUSTOMER with regard to data security and privacy. Respect for the CUSTOMER and the confidentiality of their information are very important for the RIVEST®. Therefore, make sure that the shopping experience on the sales website of RIVEST® is secure and the data entered is encrypted.

2.1. Cryptography

All data considered confidential reported to the RIVEST® during the purchase process they are automatically encrypted by the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) standard before being transmitted.

2.2. Debit and credit card purchases

The CLIENT's debit and credit card data are handled by RIVEST® as sensitive and therefore transmitted encrypted directly to the payment gateway. It is important to emphasize that the RIVEST® does not store in its files any record of the CLIENT's debit and credit card data.


3.1. Traceability Codes

When the user visits this website, cookies, tags and pixels are inserted in their browser through Google Analytics and Facebook systems, whose objective is, first, to learn by analyzing the user's behavior on the website and, second, to marketing intelligence training. Information such as IP address, geographic location, source of origin, browser type, length of visit and pages visited are collected anonymously.

When browsing the sales website of RIVEST®, the user is aware that the traceable data of his connection may also be provided to the competent authorities for the purposes of criminal investigation whenever requested by administrative means, dispensing with a court order for this.

3.2. Personal information

When filling out forms on this site, or establishing chat communication with the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center, personally identifiable information as well as written conversations are recorded in the company's files for an indefinite period. THE RIVEST®, however, undertakes not to sell, rent or pass this information on to third parties, except in compliance with a court order.


4.1. monitoring

In order to detect attempted fraud, the RIVEST® You can use anti-fraud systems that monitor the user's behavior in real time on the website and automatically analyze the transactions he/she intends to, blocking those that their algorithms understand and classify as suspicious.

4.2. order rejection

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® reserves the right to preventively and automatically reject the purchase order placed on this site that has been identified as a possible fraud, opening an investigation procedure so that the order can be definitively released or rejected.

4.3. Access account cancellation

As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST® may terminate, at its sole discretion, any account created on this sales site at any time and without notice, if the user intentionally or unintentionally breaches any part of these Legal Terms or otherwise violates federal, state and /or municipal or violate legal principles, morals and good customs.

Users who have their accounts canceled will not be able to create a new account on this site and will be prevented from making purchases on the RIVEST®.

4.4. Collaboration with law enforcement authorities

By company policy, the RIVEST® will notify the specialized police authorities of all fraud attempts detected by the systems installed on this website and will provide, without any restriction, all the data necessary for the proper investigation.


As well as the 33 colors from the RIVEST®, at its sole discretion, may amend these Legal Terms, in whole or in part, without prior notice.

Tolerance for non-compliance with any part of these Legal Terms does not constitute novation nor prevent its future enforceability.

The omitted cases may be resolved administratively by mutual agreement between the RIVEST® and the user through the RIVESTI® Customer Service Center or in person at the company's physical addresses.

The user hereby authorizes the RIVEST® to contact you through all available channels to deal with matters related to purchasing or browsing this sales site.


The forum to settle cases arising from the consumption relationship established through the purchase and sale carried out on this website is that of the consumer's domicile, in accordance with Law 8078 of 11/09/1990. For cases of violation of these Legal Terms, in what departs from the consumer relationship, the Court of the District of São Paulo, capital, is elected.

São Paulo, June 1, 2018

Copyright © 2019, Plaslatina Indústria Plástica Ltda. All rights reserved.
The RIVESTI® logo and the Revestimentos Ecológicos slog, marked with ® or not, are registered and/or trademarks of Plaslatina Indústria Plástica Ltda.

Our collections

tiles square

Simple, elegant and minimalist.
Squares are error free.

tiles Triangular

Modern, stylish and bold…
with a touch of illuminati.

tiles Geometric

When cubism meets the
decoration. For art lovers.

tiles Subway

Classic American pastilles with a Brazilian touch.

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